Size: W230 × D12 × H6
Material: Bamboo / lacquer technique: Machine engraving / lacquer

A freeze-dried soup package shaped like a disaster prevention hood.
By using a technology called vacuum skin packing that adheres tightly to food, the packaging is given structure and the product functions as a tool.
By keeping one inside a mailbox or delivery box, it will quietly function as a cushion for mail being delivered in peacetime, and will serve as protective gear in times of emergency.
The freeze-dried soup acts as a cushioning material, so even if it shatters, it can still be enjoyed at your evacuation site.
According to dietary surveys at evacuation centers following the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and the Great East Japan Earthquake, the foods sent to the disaster areas were high in carbohydrates (rice, bread, noodles, etc.), and were prone to deficiencies in protein, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. In particular, for the elderly, many foods were difficult to swallow, such as cold rice (onigiri).
For this reason, we chose to package freeze-dried soup, which is rich in vitamins and protein.
In the event of an emergency, you can share your mailbox with your loved ones, as a precaution for them.
We designed this package with the hope that it would help share the nutrition that is often in short supply in evacuation shelters.

Works exhibited by MITTSU PROJECT.
Maruai, which has been bringing packaging products to the world for many years, is launching a project to create and disseminate the value and new possibilities of packaging based on the concept of "wrapping, creating, connecting."
In fiscal 2023, we will collaborate with four young designers on the theme of "Food packaging that connects people." From various perspectives, including changes in the times and social issues, we will create the food packaging of the future.